ANNOUNCE!!! 100 years of 1919 2019 Green Bay Packers thank you for the memories signatures shirt is now available at Furyteeshirt. You can see the official design here: 100 years of 1919 2019 Green Bay Packers thank you for the memories signatures shirt Something Greta said. Children can’t do anything about climate change. But adults can. But instead of doing something about climate change, they are spending their time laughing at children who want to stop climate change. It's great to see the efforts of this young girl and others like her, but she looks anxious and I worry that children are being traumatized by feeling responsible for these mammoth tasks and the fear that the world's going to end soon if they don't. They are too young for this sort of anxiety. Yes, be environmentally conscious; no, don't feel like an epic disaster is on your shoulders, at that age. I’m getting tired of this rhetoric. Does Greta realize that the 100 years of 1919 2019 Green ...